Author | The author of the pull request | string |
Approvers | The list of users who have approved the pull request | string[] |
Assignees | The list of users who have been assigned to review the pull request | string[] |
Base Branch | The branch that the pull request wants to be merged into | string |
Body | The pull request body | string |
Changes Requested By | The list of users who have requested changes to the pull request | user[] |
Checks | The list of checks that have run in the pull request | check[] |
Dismissed Reviews | The list of users who have had their pull request review dismissed | string[] |
Files | The list of files impacted by the pull request | file[] |
Head Branch | The branch of the pull request | string |
Is Draft | Whether the pull request is a draft | boolean |
Is Locked | Whether the pull request is locked | boolean |
Is Merged | Whether the pull request is merged | boolean |
Labels | The labels applied to the pull request | string[] |
Merged By | The name of the user who merged the pull request | string |
Milestone | The name of the milestone assigned to the pull request | string |
Pull Request Number | The number of the pull request | string |
Repository Contributors | The list of teams who have been requested to review the pull request | user[] |
Requested Reviewers | The list of users who have been requested to review the pull request | string[] |
Requested Teams | The list of teams who have been requested to review the pull request | string[] |
Review Commented By | The list of users who have left a review comment on the pull request | string[] |
State | The state of the pull request | open/closed |
Title | The title of the pull request | string |
Time Event Occurred | The time that the event occured | schedule |