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AuthorThe author of the pull requeststring
ApproversThe list of users who have approved the pull requeststring[]
AssigneesThe list of users who have been assigned to review the pull requeststring[]
Base BranchThe branch that the pull request wants to be merged intostring
BodyThe pull request bodystring
Changes Requested ByThe list of users who have requested changes to the pull requestuser[]
ChecksThe list of checks that have run in the pull requestcheck[]
Dismissed ReviewsThe list of users who have had their pull request review dismissedstring[]
FilesThe list of files impacted by the pull requestfile[]
Head BranchThe branch of the pull requeststring
Is DraftWhether the pull request is a draftboolean
Is LockedWhether the pull request is lockedboolean
Is MergedWhether the pull request is mergedboolean
LabelsThe labels applied to the pull requeststring[]
Merged ByThe name of the user who merged the pull requeststring
MilestoneThe name of the milestone assigned to the pull requeststring
Pull Request NumberThe number of the pull requeststring
Repository ContributorsThe list of teams who have been requested to review the pull requestuser[]
Requested ReviewersThe list of users who have been requested to review the pull requeststring[]
Requested TeamsThe list of teams who have been requested to review the pull requeststring[]
Review Commented ByThe list of users who have left a review comment on the pull requeststring[]
StateThe state of the pull requestopen/closed
TitleThe title of the pull requeststring
Time Event OccurredThe time that the event occuredschedule